এখন আপনার ভোকাব অনুশীলন শুরু করতে নীচের একটি লিঙ্ক নির্বাচন করুন।

Types of Comprehension
Questions found on the ACT/SAT
Big picture questions- read through the whole passage to get the gist of what the passage is about and what the writer's perspective is on the subject.
Detailed orientated questions- You are required to find the relevant information in the passage to answer the question.
Development and function questions- asked to discuss how the passage is developed or structured and why you think the author chose that particular structure.
Inference question- You won’t find the answers to these questions directly in the paragraph. Instead, you have to infer the meaning of the given passage or sentence.
Context Clues questions- explain the meaning of a word as it is used in the context of the given paragraph.
Find the mistake- Some questions will ask you to isolate the grammatical mistakes, select the answer with the best sentence structure,